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/* * Brick.cpp * *  Created on: 2013-7-20 *      Author: freshman */#include "Brick.h"Brick::Brick() {    _isTouchBegined = false;}Brick::~Brick() {}/**获取砖块所处的位置*/CCRect Brick::getRect() {    CCSize size = getContentSize();    return CCRectMake( -size.width / 2, -size.height / 2, size.width, size.height);}Brick* Brick::createBrick(CCTexture2D *texture2D) {    Brick* brick = new Brick();    brick->initWithTexture(texture2D);    brick->autorelease();    return brick;}void Brick::onEnter() {    CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getTouchDispatcher()->addTargetedDelegate(            this, 0, true);    CCSprite::onEnter();}void Brick::onExit() {    CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getTouchDispatcher()->removeDelegate(this);    CCSprite::onExit();}bool Brick::ccTouchBegan(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent) {    if (_isTouchBegined) {        return false;    }    CCRect rect = getRect();    CCLog("getRect");    if (!rect.containsPoint(this->convertTouchToNodeSpaceAR(pTouch))) {        return false;    }    CCLog("ccTouchBegined");    return _isTouchBegined = true;}void Brick::ccTouchMoved(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent) {    if (_isTouchBegined) {        CCSize size = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getVisibleSize();        CCPoint point = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getVisibleOrigin();        CCRect rect = CCRectMake(point.x, point.y, size.width, size.height);        point = pTouch->getLocation();        if (rect.containsPoint(point)) {            setPosition(point);        }    }}void Brick::ccTouchCancelled(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent) {    _isTouchBegined = false;}void Brick::ccTouchEnded(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent) {    if (!_isTouchBegined) {        return;    }    CCLog("ccTouchEnded");    _isTouchBegined = false;}
1 /* 2  * Brick.h 3  * 4  *  Created on: 2013-7-20 5  *      Author: freshman 6  */ 7  8 #ifndef BRICK_H_ 9 #define BRICK_H_10 11 #include "cocos2d.h"12 USING_NS_CC;13 14 class Brick: public CCSprite, public CCTargetedTouchDelegate {15 private:16     bool _isTouchBegined;17 public:18     Brick();19     virtual ~Brick();20 21     static Brick* createBrick(CCTexture2D *texture2d);22     /**获取显示对象的矩形范围*/23     CCRect getRect();24 25     virtual void onEnter();26     virtual void onExit();27     virtual bool ccTouchBegan(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent);28     virtual void ccTouchMoved(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent);29     virtual void ccTouchEnded(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent);30     virtual void ccTouchCancelled(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent);31 };32 33 #endif /* BRICK_H_ */



1 /* "add" logic MUST only be on this method 2 * If a class want's to extend the 'addChild' behavior it only needs 3 * to override this method 4 */ 5 void CCNode::addChild(CCNode *child, int zOrder, int tag) 6 {     7     CCAssert( child != NULL, "Argument must be non-nil"); 8     CCAssert( child->m_pParent == NULL, "child already added. It can't be added again"); 9 10     if( ! m_pChildren )11     {12         this->childrenAlloc();13     }14 15     this->insertChild(child, zOrder);16 17     child->m_nTag = tag;18 19     child->setParent(this);20     child->setOrderOfArrival(s_globalOrderOfArrival++);21 22     if( m_bRunning )23     {
      /**没错就是在这个地方被调用*/24 child->onEnter();25 child->onEnterTransitionDidFinish();26 }27 }
1 void CCNode::detachChild(CCNode *child, bool doCleanup) 2 { 3     // IMPORTANT: 4     //  -1st do onExit 5     //  -2nd cleanup 6     if (m_bRunning) 7     { 8        //没错就是这个时候调用了 9         child->onExitTransitionDidStart();10         child->onExit();11     }12 13     // If you don't do cleanup, the child's actions will not get removed and the14     // its scheduledSelectors_ dict will not get released!15     if (doCleanup)16     {17         child->cleanup();18     }19 20     // set parent nil at the end21     child->setParent(NULL);22 23     m_pChildren->removeObject(child);24 }


